All final year students are advised to strictly follow the instructions given below.
• In every month, each group must have three to four group meetings with the supervisor / co supervisor and the record of each meeting is to be maintained by group leader.
• Monthly progress report will be submitted to the project coordinator (not later than the last working day of that period) to ensure the completion of the assigned task. The progress report must be signed and verified by the project supervisor / co supervisor prior of its submission to project coordinator. Monthly report template is available at the following link:
• The assessment method/rubrics for evaluation of the projects are available at the following link:
• Each group w ill prepare a file that indicates its progress of project. The file contains the record of meetings, monthly progress report, supporting literature (journal and conference papers) and design calculations of the selected equipment. Your progress will be assessed at the time of mid term evaluation.
• Maximum of 4 members are allowed in a group.
• All the documentation must be done using Latex