Chairman’s Message
Welcome to the Electrical Engineering Department at University of Engineering and Technology, New Campus where undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering is offered. The department has 25 full-time faculty members with 9 PhD from various fields of Electrical Engineering. They are specialized in power, electronics, control and computer Engineering.
This department conducts extracurricular activities where IEEE, IET and other societies organize technical trainings and workshops. Such activities cause the grooming of students which ultimately take them to achieve professional excellence.
Our students solve real-life problems. Human civilization has continuously sought to find more efficient solutions, consequently engineering is a profession always in demand. Today it is commonplace to see fast computing, energy conservation, energy efficient planning, nano technology, Biomedical imaging and disturbances on power distribution side.
Our graduates can be found throughout the world actively impacting industry, government, and academia. Our faculty are dedicated and well-recognized throughout the world, our class sizes are small, and we are part of a comprehensive and diverse university
Dr. Muhammad Ali