The department of electrical engineering and technology was inaugurated in 2007 as a means to further enhance engineering developments in the state. Armed with the most prestigious and ambitious labs, an incredibly well equipped library, state of the art equipment and the latest research material to enable the best and brightest students to further the world’s grip on the leading technological and scientific innovations and to stem their place in the world’s top industries, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Technology stands at the pinnacle of technological innovation and creativity designed to drive the world further in this field. The glorious, esteemed and well recognized faculty here is more than equipped, mentally and financially, to “break some eggs” in this world of constant revolution as we embark upon this third Renaissance in the electrical engineering scope which constantly calls for leads in sustainable energy, improved efficiency and better communication. The department is involved in developing cleaner, safer, more sustainable energy sources which will help bring a quantum leap to the world. It also has a department library, a faculty room, a semester cell, industrial liaison office, a conference room, girl’s common room, IEEE & IET student sections. The department is working in close collaboration with industries and Chamber of Commerce