Sr. No | Equipment Name |
1 | Power Supply |
2 | Programmable DC Power Supply |
3 | Analog Oscilloscope |
4 | Digital Oscilloscope |
5 | Function Generator |
6 | Arbitrary Function Generator |
7 | Digital multimetre |
8 | Dual Display Digital Multimetre |
9 | Breadboard |
10 | 3-phase Resistive Load |
11 | 3-phase Capacitive Load |
Sr. No. | Item/ Equipment Description |
1 | DC Power Supply |
2 | Function Generator |
3 | Oscilloscope |
4 | AC Servo Trainer ED4303 |
5 | Digital Servo Motor Controller Trainer |
6 | Industrial Electronics Trainer |
7 | Stepper Motor Controller |
8 | PLC Trainer |
9 | Digital Meters |
10 | Project Board |
Sr. No. Item/ Equipment Description
1 Digital storage oscilloscope
2 Power supplies DC
3 Function Generator
4 Oscilloscope
5 FM Modulator trainer
6 AM Transmitter
7 AM/FM Radio Trainer
8 AM Receiver System
9 Spectrum analyzer
10 Logic Trainer
11 Communication trainer
12 Digital storage oscilloscope
13 DACT Digital & analog communication trainer
14 DCT Digital communication trainer
15 OFCT Optical fiber communication trainer
16 Transmission line demonstrator
17 Digital Exchange trainer
18 AFG Arbitrary function generator
19 Bench top DMM
Sr. No. Item/ Equipment Description
1 Resistive Load (110VAC 2Nos.) ( 220VAC 5 Nos.)
2 Capacitive Load ( 110V 1No.) ( 220V 1No.)
3 Synchronising Device
4 Shunt field Regulator
5 Terminals Boards 0-220VAC 4A
6 Transformer 220VAC – 110VAC 5A
7 3Ø ocket with Breaker
8 Isolation Transformer 380V/220V 6KVA
9 Inductive Load 220V, 12×0.5A
10 Inductive Load 110V, 12×0.5A
11 3Ø Extension
12 Male Sockets 220V, 10A
13 3Ø Variable power supply AC 13A
14 Digital Watt meter
15 Digital Techometer
16 3Ø squirrel cage motor coupled with DC shunt motor 500W, 220V
17 1Ø capacitor start motor with DC shunt motor 500W, 220V
18 DC shunt machine coupled with DC shunt machine 500W, 220VDC
Page Break
19 DC shunt machine coupled with DC compound motor 500W, 220VDC
20 3Ø Synchronous salient pole motor/ Gen coupled with DC machine 500W, 220V
21 3Ø slip ring motor coupled with DC shunt motor 500W, 220V
22 1Ø Universal motor coupled with DC shunt motor 500W, 220VDC
23 Frequency meter (digital)
24 Phase sequence meter
25 DMM
26 3Ø Measuring Unit
27 1Ø Measuring Unit
Sr. No Equipment Name
1 HP Elite Desktop 800, Intel Original, Core i7,CPU 3.6 GHz, 3.6 GHz
Hard Disk 1 TB, System Ram 8 GB
64 Bit Operating System, 4th Generation
2 DELL Vostro 230, Core 2 Duo, CPU 2.9 GHz, 2.9 GHz
Hard Disk 500 GB, System Ram 2 GB
64 Bit Operating System
Sr. No. | Equipment Name |
1 | Oscilloscope |
2 | Function Generator |
3 | DMM |
4 | Screw Driver Kit |
5 | Bread Board |
6 | Power Electronics Trainer |
7 | Arbitrary Function Generator |
8 | Multiple output Programmable Linear DC Power supply |
9 | Digital Storage Oscilloscope |
10 | Electronics Demonstration System |
11 | Variable Resistive Load Unit |
12 | Variable Inductive Load Unit |
13 | Large Table |
14 | Stools |
15 | Cupboard |
16 | Electronic Demonstration system-1 with all standard accessories |
17 | Power Electronics trainer with all standard accessories |
18 | Arbitrary function generator |
19 | Multiple output programmable linear DC power supply |
20 | Digital Storage oscilloscope |
Sr. # | Equipment Name |
1 | Desktop Computer (Dell Vostro 3910) Core i5 12th Gen. Ram 8 GB HDD 1 TB LED D202H |
Sr. No | Equipment Name |
1 | NI-Digital Communication Trainer(USRP) |
2 | NI-RIO Advanced Kit |
3 | NI-Development Kit for Virtex II |
4 | NI-FPGA Design Suite |
5 | NI-Digital Devises and Accessories |
6 | NI-Microcontroller Development Kit |
7 | NI-8051 Educatiol Kit with Development Tools |
8 | NI-ARM Software Development Tools with ARM Educatiol Kits |
9 | NI-FREESCALE Microcontroller with Integrated test and Measurement |
10 | NI-Power PC Based Robotics STARTER Kit |
11 | 3-PHASE Power Alyzer |
12 | DC-MOTOR Drives |
13 | AC MOTOR Drives Single Phase (Sigl Interface Unit) |
14 | AC-MOTER Drives Three Phase |
15 | DSP-Emulation Cards |
16 | Digital Oscilloscope Color LCD |
17 | Digital Signal Generator Color LCD |
18 | Powre Supplies Digital Programable |
19 | Power Supply |
21 | BENCH DESK Multimeter |
22 | Multimeters |
23 | CPU + LCD |
24 | Signal Generator |
Sr. No | Equipment Name |
2 | Function Generator |
3 | Power Supply |
4 | Bread Board |
5 | Digital Multimeters |
6 | Analog Multimeters |
7 | AC motor |
8 | AC Drilling Machine |
9 | Blower |
10 | Domestic Wiring Trainer |
11 | Drill Press |
12 | Solding Iron |